a) The task is to estimate the probability of the word following words ``tuntumaan jo'' (feel already). The possible followers are words
Give a probability value for each so that they sum up to one. Compare the estimates given by yourself to ones calculated directly from a text corpus.
b) Now you know the full beginning of the sentence, which is ``Leuto sää ja soidinmenonsa aloittaneet tiaiset ovat saaneet helmikuun tuntumaan jo'' (free translation: ``Mild weather and the titmice that have started their displays have made the February feel already''). Estimate the same probabilities using this full context.
c) What kind of knowledge would a language model need to order to match up with a human in the b) case?
(Word used in the original sentence is found on the next page.)
Use an interpolated bigram model to calculate probabilities
for the examples of the previous exercise. Smooth the bigram
estimates using absolute discounting with discount parameter