Bookmarks Root : ICA in general



ICA '99
ICA 2000
ICA group at Helsinki UT
The home page of our ICA group.
ICA Central
A mailing list and repository of algorithms and data sets, maintainde by Jean-Francois Cardoso.
ICA at the Computational Neuroscience Laborabory of Terry Sejnowski at The Salk Institute, La Jolla
Paris' ICA & BSS page
Contains useful links for example for implementations and people's home pages.
Papers and stuff by JF Cardoso and co-workers.
JFC's papers and other material, for example on joint diagonalization.
JFC's paper and algorithm repository on FTP
Selected papers and algorithms by Jean-Francois Cardoso.
Allan Barros' listing of ICA people's home pages
A listing of people's home pages maintained by Allan Kardec Barros
An ICA page-papers,code,demo,links (Tony Bell)
Pierre COMON Web page
ICA an der TU Berlin, Independent Component Analysis,Blind Source Separation,BSS,tutorial,kurs,convolved sources,instantaneous mixing, instantane Mischungen, Blinde Quellentrennung
Monday, 11-Aug-2003 05:05:19 EEST