Jaakko Peltonen, Arto Klami, and Samuel Kaski.
Improved Learning of Riemannian Metrics for Exploratory Analysis.
Neural Networks, vol. 17, pages 1087-1100, 2004. © Elsevier Ltd.
(preprint gzipped postscript,
Elsevier page linking the final paper,
Erratum to final paper on Elsevier pages)
We have earlier introduced a principle for learning metrics, which shows
how metric-based methods can be made to focus on discriminative
properties of data. The main applications are in supervising
unsupervised learning to model interesting variation in data, instead of
modeling all variation as plain unsupervised learning does. The metrics
are derived by approximations to an information-geometric formulation.
In this paper we review the theory, introduce better approximations to
the distances, and show how to apply them in two different kinds of
unsupervised methods: prototype-based and pairwise-distance based. The
two examples are self-organizing maps and multidimensional scaling
(Sammon's mapping).
This work was supported in part by the IST Programme of the European Community,
under the PASCAL Network of Excellence, IST-2002-506778. This publication only
reflects the authors' views. The authors acknowledge that access rights to the
materials produced in this project are restricted due to other commitments.