Brief summary: ICMg can be used to infer functional gene modules from combinations of protein-protein interaction (PPI) and gene expression data. Based on a probabilistic graphical model the method produces a component membership distribution for all genes. This can be interpreted as a clustering for the genes into modules.
More information on the algorithm can be found in the following publication:
Juuso Parkkinen and Samuel Kaski. Searching for functional gene modules with interaction component models. BMC Systems Biology 2010, 4:4. (html)
If you use the package, please cite the above paper.
You can read the html documentation included in the package.
The ICMg software package runs under R, a free language and environment for statistical computing. The latest version (currently 2.9.0) is recommended, but the package may work also with older version.
Please download and read the license of the ICMg package.
If you have any comments or bug reports on the package, contact Juuso Parkkinen.
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