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[t,r] = db_index(D, cl, C, p, q)
DB_INDEX Davies-Bouldin clustering evaluation index. [t,r] = db_index(D, cl, C, p, q) Input and output arguments ([]'s are optional): D (matrix) data (n x dim) (struct) map or data struct cl (vector) cluster numbers corresponding to data samples (n x 1) [C] (matrix) prototype vectors (c x dim) (default = cluster means) [p] (scalar) norm used in the computation (default == 2) [q] (scalar) moment used to calculate cluster dispersions (default = 2) t (scalar) Davies-Bouldin index for the clustering (=mean(r)) r (vector) maximum DB index for each cluster (size c x 1) See also SOM_KMEANS, KMEANS_CLUSTERS, SOM_GAPINDEX.