Cloud Classification in Satellite Images (1991-1995)

Jukka Iivarinen, Sigbrit Näsman, Kimmo Valkealahti, Ari Visa,
Markus Peura, Panu Somervuo, and Jaakko Särelä


The data received from weather satellites are used in weather forecasting and long-term prediction by the Finnish Meteorological Institute. The main motivation for the present study was the need for automatic methods to interpretate satellite images. This has been studied in Laboratory of Computer and Information Science in Helsinki University of Technology since 1991. The main interest has been the classification of clouds from satellite images. As a result a cloud classifier is implemented. The classifier is a multispectral, vector-based classifier. The classification of a satellite image is done in two phases. In the first phase clouds are separated from surface and in the second phase the cloudy regions are classified into ten cloud types. The classifier is fully automatic, and it can be adapted to changing situations with new examples.


Southern Finland
20th July, 1993, at 12:45 p.m. (GMT)
11th July, 1993, at 12:54 p.m. (GMT)


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