Laboratory of Computer
and Information Science
Neural Networks Research

Biennial report 2000-2001

K. Puolamäki and L. Koivisto, editors
Otaniemi, April 2002
ISBN 951-22-5867-6
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I Neural Networks Research Centre: Research
- 1 Introduction [PS.GZ, PDF]
- 2 Independent component analysis and blind
source separation [PS.GZ,
Erkki Oja, Juha Karhunen, Aapo Hyvärinen, Petteri Pajunen,
Ricardo Vigário, Harri Valpola, Jaakko Särelä, Ella Bingham, Mika
Inki, Antti Honkela, Tapani Raiko, Karthikesh Raju, Alexander Ilin,
Rãzvan Cristescu, Simona Mãlãroiu, Kimmo Kiviluoto, Mika
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 Theoretical advances
- 2.3 The European joint project BLISS
- 2.4 New book: Independent Component Analysis, by
A. Hyvärinen, J. Karhunen, and E. Oja (Wiley,
- 2.5 ICA2000: the Second International Workshop on
Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation
- 3 Applications of independent component
analysis [PS.GZ, PDF]
Erkki Oja, Juha Karhunen, Aapo Hyvärinen, Petteri Pajunen,
Ricardo Vigário, Harri Valpola, Jaakko Särelä, Ella Bingham, Mika
Inki, Antti Honkela, Tapani Raiko, Karthikesh Raju, Alexander Ilin,
Rãzvan Cristescu, Simona Mãlãroiu, Kimmo Kiviluoto, Mika Ilmoniemi,
Mark Girolami, Ata Kabán, Maria Funaro
- 3.1 Decision trees using independent component
- 3.2 ICA for text mining
- 3.3 ICA for analyzing financial time series
- 3.4 ICA for astronomical data
- 3.5 ICA in CDMA communications
- 4 Bayesian ensemble learning of generative
models [PS.GZ, PDF]
Harri Valpola, Antti Honkela, Juha Karhunen, Tapani Raiko,
Xavier Giannakopoulos, Alexander Ilin, Erkki Oja
- 4.1 Bayesian modeling and ensemble learning
- 4.2 Nonlinear factor analysis and independent
component analysis
- 4.3 Nonlinear dynamic state-space models
- 4.4 Building blocks for ensemble learning
- 4.5 Applications
- 5 Computational neuroscience [PS.GZ, PDF]
Aapo Hyvärinen, Ella Bingham, Mika Inki, Raju Karthikesh, Patrik
Hoyer, Jarmo Hurri
- 5.1 Advances in statistical generative models
- 5.2 Statistical models of visual processing
- 6 Biomedical data analysis [PS.GZ, PDF]
Ricardo Vigário, Jaakko Särelä, Harri Valpola, Erkki Oja
- 6.1 Introduction
- 6.2 Dipole modeled ICA decomposition of evoked
- 6.3 Analysis of rhythmic electromagnetical brain
- 7 Image analysis applications [PS.GZ, PDF]
Erkki Oja, Jorma Laaksonen, Jukka Iivarinen, Markus Peura,
Markus Koskela, Sami Laakso, Jussi Pakkanen, Ville Viitaniemi
- 7.1 Content-based image retrieval by Self-Organizing
- 7.2 Fault analysis of running paper web
- 7.3 Content-based retrieval of defect images
- 7.4 Attribute trees in image analysis
- 8 On-line recognition of handwritten
characters [PS.GZ, PDF]
Vuokko Vuori, Matti Aksela, Ramunas Girdziusas, Jorma Laaksonen,
Erkki Oja
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Adaptive prototype-based character
- 8.3 Adaptive committee techniques
- 8.4 Discriminative classifiers
- 9 Self-organizing map [PS.GZ, PDF]
Teuvo Kohonen, Merja Oja, Samuel Kaski, Panu Somervuo
- 9.1 Self-Organizing Maps: introduction
- 9.2 4465 Works on SOM
- 9.3 Clustering and visualization of large protein
sequence databases by means of an extension of the self-organizing
- 10 Self-organization of very large document
collections [PS.GZ, PDF]
Teuvo Kohonen, Samuel Kaski, Krista Lagus, Jarkko Salojärvi,
Jukka Honkela, Vesa Paatero, Antti Saarela
- 11 Bioinformatics [PS.GZ, PDF]
Samuel Kaski, Janne Nikkilä, Merja Oja
- 11.1 Introduction
- 11.2 SOM-based exploration of gene function
- 11.3 Discriminative clustering of genes
- 12 Learning metrics [PS.GZ, PDF]
Samuel Kaski, Janne Sinkkonen, Jaakko Peltonen
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 Learning metrics for Self-Organizing Maps
- 12.3 Discriminative clustering
- 12.4 Discriminative clustering is vector
quantization in learning metrics
- 13 Natural language modeling [PS.GZ, PDF]
Krista Lagus and Mikko Kurimo
- 13.1 Semantic analysis of Finnish words and
- 13.2 Topically focusing language model
- 14 Speech recognition [PS.GZ, PDF]
Mikko Kurimo, Panu Somervuo, Vesa Siivola
- 14.1 Acoustic modeling
- 14.2 Language modeling
- 15 Methods for efficient utilization of SOM
in data mining [PS.GZ, PDF]
Olli Simula, Jaakko Hollmén, Esa Alhoniemi, Juha Vesanto, Johan
Himberg, Markus Siponen, Jussi Ahola, Juha Parhankangas, Mika
- 16 Data-based analysis of industrial
processes [PS.GZ, PDF]
Olli Simula, Miki Sirola, Jaakko Hollmén, Ignacío Diaz, Sampsa
Laine, Esa Alhoniemi, Johan Himberg, Jussi Ahola, Jukka Parviainen,
Timo Similä, Jarkko Tikka
- 16.1 Extraction and identification of operational
states of a paper machine
- 16.2 Variable selection, feature extraction and
visualization in data based process study
- 16.3 From fault detection to fault identification
with normal condition process data
- 16.4 Decision models for computerized decision
- 16.5 The other projects
- 17 Data-driven analysis of telecommunication
systems [PS.GZ, PDF]
Olli Simula, Kimmo Raivio, Jaakko Hollmén, Kimmo Hätönen, Sampsa
Laine, Pasi Lehtimäki, Timo Similä
- 17.1 Introduction
- 17.2 Analysis of mobile radio access network
- 17.3 The use of preprocessing and visualisation
techniques to analyze telecommunications data
- 17.4 Fraud detection in mobile communications
- 18 Other projects [PS.GZ, PDF]
- 18.1 Mixture density from autonomous experts
- 18.2 Self-organizing map-based information
visualization is trustworthy
- 18.3 SOM in detecting states of sleep and
wakefulness in polysomnographic data of mentally retarded
- 18.4 Independent variable group analysis
- 18.5 Modeling visual attention
- Publications of the Neural Networks Research
Centre [PS.GZ, PDF]
II From Data to Knowledge Research Unit: Research
Projects under the CIS Laboratory
- 19 From Data to Knowledge Research Unit [PS.GZ, PDF]
Heikki Mannila, Jaakko Hollmén, Jouni K. Seppänen, Kalle
Korpiaho, Johanna Tikanmäki, Ella Bingham
- 19.1 Data mining: discrete pattern discovery and
probabilistic techniques
- 19.2 Applications in bioinformatics
- Publications of the From Data to Knowledge Research
Unit [PS.GZ,
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