But where is Xavier at the moment?

Thank you for your interest.

Maybe you are searching for me so here are some precisions.

WhenWhereHow to join?
21-22.12At workCome, phone, whatever
23.12-27.12Christmas holidaysMobile (until 26)
28-29.12At workWork phone, mail
29.12-3.1New year holidaysMail, the mobile will be suppressed
4.1-14.1Travelling through EuropeNo way
14.1-1.2In SwitzerlandMail, phone mother's home
From FebruaryIf accepted, starting to work at IDSIA.?

My work phone is the +358 9 451 5277.

My mobile is the +358 50 3317965. Valid until 26.12.1998.

My mother's home number is the +41 22 7523167.

This page is situated at http://www.cis.hut.fi/~xgiannak/trip.html in case there would be some updates.

Hyvää Joulua ja onnelista uutta vuotta.

Xavier Giannakopoulos
Last modified: Mon Dec 21 10:51:05 EET 1998