LVQ Functions

LVQ Training

struct entries *lvq1_training(struct teach_params *teach)
Train by lvq1; the nearest codebook vector is modified. If classification is correct, move it towards the input entry; if classification is incorrect, move it away from the input entry. All parameters are taken from teach.

struct entries *olvq1_training(struct teach_params *teach)
Train by olvq1, whereby optimized alpha values are used. The nearest code vector is modified; If classification is correct, move it towards the input entry, if classification is incorrect, move it away from the input entry.

struct entries *lvq2_training(struct teach_params *teach)
Train by lvq2. Two nearest codebook vectors are modified under specified conditions.

struct entries *lvq3_training(struct teach_params *teach)
Train by lvq3. Two nearest codebook vectors are modified under specified conditions.

SOM/LVQ Programming info / SOM/LVQ Home Page / Neural Networks Research Centre