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Place: Seminar room T5 in T-building
Time: Thursdays 10 - 12, starting on February 7
Language: English
Credit points: 5
D.Sc. (Tech) Ricardo Vigário
D.I. Jarkko Ylipaavalniemi
Web page: http://www.cis.hut.fi/Opinnot/T-61.5090/
The goal of the seminar is to give an overview of some of the main biomedical image processing techniques, with clear emphasis to neuronal data. Topics range from artifact removal and image enhancement to pattern classification and diagnostic decision. Depending on the number of students, the course may cover a wider or shorter version of Rangayyan's book. Its table of contents can be found in here.
You need only the basic knowledge about probability and statistics, matrix algebra, and algorithms in order to follow the course. Basic neurophysiology and signal processing knowledge are a welcomed plus. The first lectures will be used to cover the necessary background.
(to be confirmed, according to the course attendance)
To pass the course with 5 credit points, you have to, at least:
Ricardo Vigário and Jarkko Ylipaavalniemi
You are at: CIS → HUT - CIS - Opetus / Teaching - T-61.5090
Page maintained by t615090 (at) cis.hut.fi, last updated Tuesday, 19-Aug-2008 10:51:03 EEST