Jarkko Venna, and Samuel Kaski. Visualizing Gene Interaction Graphs with Local Multidimensional Scaling. In Proc. ESANN'06.
(preprint pdf)
Several bioinformatics data sets are naturally represented as
graphs, for instance gene regulation, metabolic pathways, and
protein-protein interactions. The graphs are often large and
complex, and their straightforward visualizations are
incomprehensible. We have recently developed a new method called
\emph{local multidimensional scaling} for visualizing
high-dimensional data sets. In this paper we adapt it to visualize
graphs, and compare it with two commonly used graph visualization
packages in visualizing yeast gene interaction graphs.
The new method outperforms the alternatives in two crucial
respects: It produces graph layouts that are both more trustworthy
and have fever edge crossings.
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