Laboratory of Computer and Information Science / Neural Networks Research Centre

Proactive Information Retrieval → Images and Videos

Images and Videos

Please find below some images and videos related to the Proactive Information Retrieval project. You may use the images and videos freely. Please cite us appropriately.

Images and videos of our experiments

Which of the titles are interesting for the user?

The experimental setup shown in the following images is described more in detail in Puolamäki et. al 2005 (pdf). The main task is to find the titles of the scientific article of which the user is interested of (two most interesting titles out of six).

ExperimentWithTobii05.pdf. The eye movements have been measured with a Tobii 1750 eye tracker. Tobii measures eye positions 50 times per second by illuminating bot eyes with infrared lights (appearing red in the digital photograph, not really visible for the naked eye) and measuring the reflected light with a camera located between the lights. The system is fairly robust to head movements, and the tracking accuracy is about 0.5 degrees of visual angle. A video of an experiment like above.

ExperimentWithTobiiTraj.avi. A video of the real eye movement trajectory obtained from an experiment like above.

exampleTraj.pdf. The eye movement trajectory is transformed for a more suitable form for probabilistic modeling by segmenting the viewed page into words, dividing the eye movements to fixations and saccades and computing various statistics for word-specific fixations.

GazePlotEyeOgle.png. A gaze plot of a real user viewing an imaginary EyeOgle search engine, which could use relevance information inferred from eye movements. (No such search engine exists - yet, at least.)

What is the user interested of?

The experimental setup shown in the following images is described more in detail in Hardoon et al. 2007 (pdf). The main task the topic of interest of the user, given how the user has viewed documents of various topics.

GazePlotWeightsAISTATS.pdf. Sample plot of saccades (lines) and fixations (dots) on a document (left) and term weights inferred from eye movements on all documents in the topic Dinosarus (right). The term weights can then used to judge whether an unseen document is of interest for the user.

Tobii Gaze Plots

The gaze direction is an indicator of the focus of attention, since accurate viewing is possible only in the central fovea area (1-2 degrees of visual angle). The correspondance is not one-to-one, however, since the attention can be shifted without moving the eyes. The eye movement trajectory is traditionally divided into fixations, during which the eye is fairly motionless, and saccades, rapid eye movements from one fixation to another. The fixations are identified by blue circles, larger circle denoting longer fixation, and numbered by the order of appearance.

GazePlotCis.png. A gaze plot of a real user viewing the CIS laboratory's home page.

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