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Himberg, J. & Simula, O. Analyzing an Automatic Call Distribution System by the Self-Organizing Map. Proc. of 1997 Finnish Signal Processing Symposium (FINSIG'97), Pori, Finland, May 22, 1997, pp. 153-157.

Holmström, L., Koistinen, P., Laaksonen, J. & Oja, E. Neural and Statistical Classifiers - Taxonomy and Two Case Studies. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 1997, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 5-17.

Honkela, T. Comparisons of Self-Organized Word Category Map. Proc. of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM'97), Espoo, Finland, June 4-6, 1997, pp. 298-303.

Honkela, T. Self-Organizing Maps of Words for Natural Language Processing Applications. Proc. of International ICSC Symposium on Soft Computing, Nimes, France, September 17-19, 1997, pp. 401-407.

Honkela, T., Kaski, S., Lagus, K. & Kohonen, T. WEBSOM - Self-Organizing Maps of Document Collections. Proc. of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM'97), Espoo, Finland, June 4-6, 1997, pp. 310-315.

Honkela, T., Lehtola, A., Kalliomäki, S., Suitiala, R., Hudson, R., Karkaletsis, V. & Vouros, G. A Recommended Globalization Method. In: Hall, P.A.V. & Hudson, R. (eds.), Software Without Frontiers. Chichester 1997, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 33-50.

Hurri, J., Hyvärinen, A. & Oja, E. Wavelets and Natural Image Statistics. Proc. of 10th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Lappeenranta, Finland, June 9-12, 1997, pp. 13-18.

Hyvärinen, A. A Family of Fixed-Point Algorithms for Independent Component Analysis. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'97), Munich, Germany, April 21-24, 1997, pp. 3917-3920.

Hyvärinen, A. One-Unit Contrast Functions for Independent Component Analysis: A Statistical Analysis. Proc. of IEEE Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing '97, Amelia Island, Florida, USA, Sept. 24-26, 1997, pp. 388-397.

Hyvärinen, A. & Oja, E. A Fast Fixed-Point Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis. Neural Computation, 1997, Vol. 9, No. 7, pp. 1483-1492.

Hyvärinen, A. & Oja, E. One-Unit Learning Rules for Independent Component Analysis. Proc. of Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS'96), Denver, Colorado, Dec. 2-5, 1996. Cambridge, MA 1997, The MIT Press, pp. 480-486.

Hyvärinen, A. Independent Component Analysis by Minimization of Mutual Information. Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Computer and Information Science, Report A46, Espoo, Finland, 1997, 35 p.

Hyvärinen, A. New Approximations of Differential Entropy for Independent Component Analysis and Projection Pursuit. Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Computer and Information Science, Report A47, Espoo, Finland, 1997, 10 p.

Iivarinen, J., Peura, M., Särelä, J. & Visa, A. Comparison of Combined Shape Descriptors for Irregular Objects. Proc. of 8th British Machine Vision Conference, University of Essex, UK, September 8-11, 1997, pp. 430-439.

Iivarinen, J., Rauhamaa, J. & Visa, A. An Adaptive Two-Stage Approach to Classification of Surface Defects. Proc. of 10th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, Lappeenranta, Finland, June 9-11, 1997, Vol. 1, pp. 317-322.

Joutsensalo, J. Algorithms for Delay Estimation and Tracking in CDMA. Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'97), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 8-12, 1997, pp. 366-370.

Joutsensalo, J. Semi-Blind Source Parameter Separation. Proc. of International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'97), Lausanne, Switzerland, October 8-10, 1997, pp. 577-582.

Joutsensalo, J., Lilleberg, J., Hottinen, A. & Karhunen, J. Subspace Algorithms for Synchronization and Tracking in CDMA. Proc. of First IEEE Signal Processing Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC'97), Paris, France, April 16-18, 1997, pp. 369-372.

Kallioniemi, I., Saarinen, J. & Oja, E. Extraction of the Opto-Geometrical Properties of Gratings from Scattering Data by Means of the Neural Network. Proc. of Diffractive Optics, Savonlinna, Finland, July 7-9, 1997, pp. 202-203.

Karhunen, J., Cichocki, A., Kasprzak, W. & Pajunen, P. On Neural Blind Separation with Noise Suppression and Redundancy Reduction. International Journal of Neural Systems, 1997, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 219-237.

Karhunen, J., Hyvärinen, A., Vigário, R., Hurri, J. & Oja, E. Applications of Neural Blind Separation to Signal and Image Processing. Proc. of 1997 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-97), Munich, Germany, April 21-24, 1997, pp. 131-134.

Karhunen, J., Oja, E., Wang, L., Vigário, R. & Joutsensalo, J. A Class of Neural Networks for Independent Component Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 1997, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 486-504.

Karhunen, J. & Pajunen, P. Blind Source Separation Using Least-Squares Type Adaptive Algorithms. Proc. of IEEE 1997 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-97), Munich, Germany, April 21-24, 1997, pp. 3361-3364.

Karhunen, J. & Pajunen, P. Blind Source Separation and Tracking Using Nonlinear PCA Criterion: A Least-Squares Approach. Proc. of IEEE 1997 International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'97), Houston, Texas, June 9-12, 1997, pp. 2147-2152.

Karjalainen, M., Boda, P., Somervuo, P. & Altosaar, T. Applications for the Hearing-Impaired: Evaluation of Finnish Phoneme Recognition Methods. Proc. of 5th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, Rhodes, Greece, September 22-25, 1997, pp. 1811-1814.

Karkaletsis, V., Spyroupoulos, C., Vouros, G., Honkela, T., Lagus, K. & Lehtola, A. Message Generation. In: Hall, P.A.V. & Hudson, R., Software Without Frontiers. Chichester 1997, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 203-218.

Kaski, S. Computationally Efficient Approximation of a Probabilistic Model for Document Representation in the WEBSOM Full-Text Analysis Method. Neural Processing Letters, 1997, Vol. 5, pp. 139-151.

Kiviluoto, K. & Bergius, P. Analyzing Financial Statements with the Self- Organizing Map. Proc. of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM'97), Espoo, Finland, June 4-6, 1997, pp. 362-367.

Kohonen, T., Kaski, S. & Venna, J. Automatic Coloring of Data According to Its Cluster Structure. Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Computer and Information Science, Report A 45, Espoo, Finland, 1997, 12 p.

Kohonen, T., Kaski, S., Lappalainen, H. & Salojärvi, J. The Adaptive-Subspace Self-Organizing Map (ASSOM). Proc. of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM'97), Espoo, Finland, June 4-6, 1997, pp. 191-196.

Kohonen, T. Exploration of Large Document Collections by Self-Organizing Maps. Proc. of 6th Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SCAI?97), Helsinki, Finland, August 18-20, 1997. Amsterdam, Netherlands 1997, IOS Press, pp. 5-7.

Kohonen, T. & Somervuo, P. Self-Organizing Maps of Symbol Strings with Application to Speech Recognition. Proc. of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM'97), Espoo, Finland, June 4-6, 1997, pp. 2-7.

Kohonen, T. Exploration of Very Large Databases by Self-Organizing Maps. Proc. of International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN?97), Houston, Texas, USA, June 9-12, 1997, pp. PL1-PL3.

Kohonen, T. Emergence of Optimal Invariant-Feature Detectors in a New Neural Network Architecture. Proc. of Fuzzy-Neuro-Systeme ?97 - Computational Intelligence (FNS?97), Soest, Germany, March 12-14, 1997, p. 44.

Kohonen, T., Kaski, S. & Lappalainen, H. Self-Organized Formation of Various Invariant-Feature Filters in the Adaptive-Subspace SOM. Neural Computation, 1997, Vol. 9, pp. 1321-1344.

Kokkotos, S., Spyroupoulos, C., Honkela, T., Käpylä, T., Lagus, K. & Hall, P. Languages and Character Sets. In: Hall, P.A.V. & Hudson, R. (eds.), Software Without Frontiers. Chichester 1997, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 135-158.

Kurimo, M. Comparison Results for Segmental Training Algorithms for Mixture Density HMMs. Proc. of 5th European Conference on Speech Technology and Communication, EUROSPEECH'97, Rhodes, Greece, September 22-25, 1997, pp. 87-90.

Kurimo, M. SOM Based Density Function Approximation for Mixture Density HMMs. Proc. of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM'97), Espoo, Finland, June 4-6, 1997, pp. 8-13.

Kurimo, M. Training Mixture Density HMMs with SOM and LVQ. Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Computer and Information Science Report A43, Espoo, Finland, 1997, 26 p.

Laaksonen, J. Local Subspace Classifier and Local Subspace SOM. Proc. of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM'97), Espoo, Finland, June 4-6, 1997, pp. 32-37.

Laaksonen, J. Local Subspace Classifier. Proc. of International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'97), Lausanne, Switzerland, October 8-10, 1997, pp. 637-642.

Laaksonen, J. & Oja, E. Density Function Interpretation of Subspace Classification Methods. Proc. of 10th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, June 9-12, 1997, Lappeenranta, Finland, pp. 487 - 492.

Laaksonen, J. & Oja, E. Error-Corrective Feature Extraction in Handwritten Digit Recognition. Proc. of Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN97), June 16-18, 1997, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 37-40.

Lagus, K. Map of WSOM'97 Abstracts - Alternative Index. Proc. of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM'97), Espoo, Finland, June 4-6, 1997, pp. 368- 372.

Lagus, K., Suitiala, R. & Honkela, T. Culture, Conventions and Local Practices. In: Hall, P.A.V. & Hudson, R. (eds.), Software Without Frontiers. Chichester 1997, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 159-166.

Lampinen, J., Laaksonen, J. & Oja, E. Neural Network Systems, Techniques and Applications in Pattern Recognition. Helsinki University of Technology, Laboratory of Computational Engineering, Report B1, Espoo, Finland, 1997, 61 p.

Lehtola, A., Kalliomäki, S., Honkela, T. & Lillqvist, T. An Application Framework for Internationalization. In: Hall, P.A.V. & Hudson, R., Software Without Frontiers. Chichester 1997, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 83-110.

Leinonen, L., Hiltunen, T., Linnankoski, I. & Laakso, M.-L. Expression of Emotional-Motivational Connotations with a One-Word Utterance. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1997, Vol. 102, No. 3, pp. 1853-1863.

Leinonen, L., Hiltunen, T., Laakso, M.-L., Rihkanen, H. & Poppius, H. Categorization of Voice Disorders with Six Perceptual Dimensions. Folia Phoniatrica Logopedica, 1997, Vol. 49, pp. 9-20.

Leinonen, L. & Poppius, H. Voice Reactions to Histamine Inhalation in Asthma. Allergy, 1997, Vol. 52, pp. 27-31.

Luukkanen, P. & Joutsensalo, J. Comparison of MUSIC and Matched Filter Delay Estimators in DS-CDMA. Proc. of 1997 International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'97), Helsinki, Finland, September 1-4, 1997, pp. 830-834.

McHugh, N., Honkela, T. & Hudson, R. Quality Assurance. In: Hall, P.A.V. & Hudson, R., Software Without Frontiers. Chichester 1997, John Wiley and Sons, pp. 219-228.

Mäkipää, M., Heinonen, P. & Oja, E. Using the Self-Organizing Map in Supporting Diabetes Therapy. Proc. of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM'97), Espoo, Finland, June 4-6, 1997, pp. 51-56.

Oja, E. The Nonlinear PCA Learning Rule in Independent Component Analysis. Neurocomputing, 1997, Vol. 17, pp. 25-45.

Oja, E., Karhunen, J. & Hyvärinen, A. From Neural Principal Components to Neural Independent Components. Proc. of International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'97), Lausanne, Switzerland, October 8-10, 1997, pp. 519-528.

Oja, E., Karhunen, J., Hyvärinen, A., Vigário, R. & Hurri, J. Neural Independent Component Analysis - Approaches and Applications. In: Kasabov, N. & Amari, S. (eds.), Brain-like Computing and Intelligent Information Systems. Berlin 1997, Springer.

Oja, E. & Valkealahti, K. Local Independent Component Analysis by the Self- Organizing Map. Proc. of International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'97), Lausanne, Switzerland, October 8-10, 1997, pp. 553- 558.

Padgett, M.L., Werbos, P.J. & Kohonen, T. Strategies and Tactics for the Application of Neural Networks to Industrial Electronics. In: Irwin, J.D. (ed.), Industrial Electronics Handbook. Boca Raton, Florida 1997, CRC Press, pp. 835-852.

Pajunen, P. Blind Separation of Binary Sources with less Sensors than Sources. Proc. of 1997 International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN97), Houston, Texas, USA, June 9-12, 1997, pp. 1994-1997.

Pajunen, P. A Competitive Learning Algorithm for Separating Binary Sources. Proc. of European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN97), Brugge, Belgium, April 16-17, 1997, pp. 255-260.

Pajunen, P. & Karhunen, J. Self-Organizing Maps for Independent Component Analysis. Proc. of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM'97), Espoo, Finland, June 4-6, 1997, pp. 96-99.

Pajunen, P. & Karhunen, J. A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Nonlinear Blind Source Separation. Proc. of International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'97), Lausanne, Switzerland, October 8-10, 1997, pp. 541- 546.

Peura, M. A Statistical Classification Method for Hierarchical Irregular Objects. Proc. of 9th International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP'97), Firenze, Italy, September 17-19, 1997. Image Analysis and Processing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, A. del Bimbo (ed.), 1997, Springer Verlag, Vol. 1, pp. 604-611.

Peura, M. & Visa, A. Computational Intelligence in Cloud Classification. Electronic Imaging Newsletter, SPIE and IS&T, 1997, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 4-8.

Peura, M. & Iivarinen, J. Efficiency of Simple Shape Descriptors. Proc. of 3rd International Workshop on Visual Form (IWVF3), Capri, Italy, May 28-30, 1997. Singapore 1997, World Scientific, pp. 443-451.

Raivio, K., Hämäläinen, A., Henriksson, J. & Simula, O. Performance of Two Neural Receiver Structures in the Presence of Co-Channel Interference. Proc. of International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'97), Houston, Texas, June 9-12, 1997, pp. 2080-2084.

Raivio, K., Henriksson, J. & Simula, O. Neural Detection of QAM Signal with Strongly Nonlinear Receiver. Proc. of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM'97), Espoo, Finland, June 4-6, 1997, pp. 20-25.

Raivio, K., Henriksson, J. & Simula, O. Neural Receiver Structures Based on Self-Organizing Maps in Nonlinear Multipath Channels. Proc. of 1997 International Workshop on Applications of Neural Networks to Telecommunications (IWANNT), Melbourne, Australia, June 9-11, 1997, pp. 241-247.

Simula, O., Alhoniemi, E., Hollmén, J. & Vesanto, J. Analysis of Complex Systems Using the Self-Organizing Map. Proc. of 4th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'97), Dunedin, New Zealand, November 24-28, 1997, pp. 1313-1317.

Sinkkonen, J. & Kaski, S. Topographic Components Model with Adaptive Latencies. Proc. of Third International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 19-23, 1997.

Sinkkonen, J. & Kaski, S. Topographic Components Model with Adaptive Latencies. Neuroimage (Supplement), 1997, Vol. 5, No. 4, p. S445.

Tang, H., Simula, O. & Raatikainen, K. Age-Boosting Page Replacement Scheme. Proc. of International Conference on Telecomputers (ICT'97), Melbourne, Australia, April 2-4, 1997, Vol. 3, pp. 1115-1120.

Tang, H. & Simula, O. The Effective Resource Demands of the Applications and Their Managements in a Computer. Proc. of 3rd Asia-Pasific Conference on Communications (APPC'97), Sydney, Australia, December 7-10, 1997, pp. 267-261.

Valkealahti, K. Texture Classification with Single- and Double-Resolution Co- Occurrence Maps. Proc. of International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Stockholm, Sweden, June 16-18, 1997, pp. 63-66.

Valkealahti, K. & Oja, E. Reduced Multidimensional Texture Histograms. Proc. of 10th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, June 9-12, 1997, Lappeenranta, Finland, pp. 923-930.

Vesanto, J. Using the SOM and Local Models in Time-Series Prediction. Proc. of Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps (WSOM'97), Espoo, Finland, June 4-6, 1997, pp. 209-214.

Vigário, R. Extraction of Ocular Artefacts from EEG Using Independent Component Analysis. Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 1997, Vol. 103, No. 3, pp. 395-404.

Visa, A. & Iivarinen, J. Evolution and Evaluation of a Trainable Cloud Classifier. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1997, Vol. 35, No. 5, pp. 1307-1315.
Tuesday, 02-Nov-1999 17:03:51 EET