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PUBLICATIONS 2000Alhoniemi, E.Analysis of Pulping Data Using the Self-Organing Map. Tappi Journal, 2000. Vol. 83, No. 7, p. 66. Electronic publication http://www.tappi.org/public/tappi_journal.asp Keywords: data analysis, pulp process, self-organizing map, visualization Bingham, E. & Hyvärinen, A. A Fast Fixed-Point Algorithm for Independent Component Analysis of Complex Valued Signals. International Journal of Neural Systems, 2000. Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-8. Keywords: independent component analysis, complex valued signals, deflationary separation Bingham, E. & Hyvärinen, A. Fast and Robust Deflationary Separation of Complex Valued Signals. X European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2000), Tampere, Finland, September 4-8, 2000. pp. 23-26. Keywords: independent component analysis, complex valued signals, deflationary separation Bingham, E. & Hyvärinen, A. ICA of Complex Valued Signals: A Fast and Robust Deflationary Algorithm. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2000), Como, Italy, July 24-27, 2000. pp. 357-362. Keywords: independent component analysis, complex valued signals, deflationary separation Brandt, S., Laaksonen, J. & Oja, E. Statistical Shape Features in Content-Based Image Retrieval. 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelona, Spain, September 3-7, 2000. Vol. 2, pp. 1066-1069. Keywords: content-based image retrieval, performance evaluation, self-organizing map, shape features Cristescu, R., Joutsensalo, J., Karhunen, J. & Oja, E. A Complexity Minimization Approach for Estimating Fading Gaussian Channel in CDMA Communications. 2nd International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2000), Helsinki, Finland, June 19-22, 2000. pp. 527-532. Keywords: fading channels, CDMA, complexity minimization, ICA Cristescu, R., Joutsensalo, J. & Ristaniemi, T. Fading Channel Estimation by Mutual Information Minimization for Gaussian Stochastic Processes. IEEE ICC2000, International Conference on Communications, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 18-22, 2000. pp. 56-59. Keywords: CDMA, complexity minimization, fading channels, ICA Cristescu, R., Karhunen, J., Joutsensalo, J. & Ristaniemi, T. Blind Separation Methods for CDMA Communications. Workshop on Machines That Learn, Snowbird, Utah, April 4-7, 2000. Keywords: blind signal separation, CDMA, unsupervised learning, ICA Cristescu, R., Ristaniemi, T., Joutsensalo, J. & Karhunen, J. Blind Separation of Convolved Mixtures for CDMA Systems. X European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2000), Tampere, Finland, September 5-8, 2000. pp. 619-622. Keywords: convolved mixtures, ICA-based receivers, CDMA Cristescu, R., Ristaniemi, T., Joutsensalo, J. & Karhunen, J. CDMA Delay Estimation Using Fast ICA Algorithm. IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Communications (PIMRC'00), London, UK, September 17-19, 2000. pp. 1117-1120. Keywords: ICA, CDMA, synchronization methods Cristescu, R., Ristaniemi, T., Joutsensalo, J. & Karhunen, J. Delay Estimation in CDMA Communications Using A FastICA Algorithm. Second International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2000), Helsinki, Finland, June 19-22, 2000. pp. 105-110. Keywords: synchronization methods, FastICA, CDMA Cser, L., Mäntylä, P., Simula, O. & Ruha, P. Quality Control of Hot Rolling Mills Based on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. International ICSC Congress on Intelligent Systems & Applications, Wollongong, Australia, December 11-15, 2000. Keywords: data mining, rolling, process monitoring Cser, L., Simula, O., Mäntylä, P., Ruha, P. & Larkiola, J. Self-Organising Maps (SOM) in Hot Rolling. Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering (ICME 2000), Capri, Italy, June 21-23, 2000. pp. 291-297. Keywords: process monitoring, rolling, data mining, self-organizing map Federley, M., Alhoniemi, E., Laitila, M., Suojärvi, M. & Ritala, R. State Management for Process Monitoring, Diagnostics and Optimization. Control Systems 2000, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, May 1-4, 2000. pp. 295-298. Keywords: state detection, clustering, data analysis Flanagan, J. A. Neuron Weight Dynamics in the SOM and Self-Organized Criticality. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2000), Como, Italy, July 24-27, 2000. Vol. V, pp. 39-44. Keywords: dynamical system, power laws, self-organisation, self-organized criticality, SOM Flanagan, J. A. Self-Organisation in the SOM with a Finite Number of Inputs. 8th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN'2000), Bruges, Belgium, April 26-28, 2000. pp. 261-266. Keywords: discrete input, finite number of inputs, self-organization, SOM Flanagan, J. A. Self-Organization in the SOM and Lebesque Continuity of the Input Distribution. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2000), Como, Italy, July 24-27, 2000. Vol. VI, pp. 26-34. Keywords: Lebesgue continuity, proof of ordering, self-organisation, SOM Flanagan, J. A. The Organized State in the SOM. STeP'2000, Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, 'AI of Tomorrow': Symposium on Theory, Espoo, Finland, August 28-31, 2000. pp. 189-194. Keywords: definition of organization, power laws, self-organized criticality, self-organisation, SOM Himberg, J. A SOM Based Cluster Visualization and Its Application for False Coloring. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2000), Como, Italy, July 24-27, 2000. pp. 581-586. Keywords: self-organizing map, visualization, clustering Hollmén, J., Skubacz, M. & Taniguchi, M. Input-Dependent Misclassification Costs for Cost-Sensitive Classification. Second International Conference on Data Mining 2000, Cambridge, England, July 5-7, 2000 . 2000, WIT Press, pp. 495-503. Keywords: cost-sensitive classification, decision theory, fraud detection Hollmén, J. & Tresp, V. Hidden Markov Model for Metric and Event-Based Data. 10th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2000, Tampere, Finland, September 4-8, 2000. pp. 737-740. Keywords: Hidden Markov Model, data representation Hollmén, J., Tresp, V. & Simula, O. Learning Vector Quantization Algorithm for Probabilistic Models. Tenth European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 2000, Tampere, Finland, September 4-8, 2000. pp. 721-724. Keywords: fraud detection, LVQ, probabilistic models Honkela, A. & Valpola, H. Nonlinear Factor Analysis Matlab Package. Computer program. 2000. Electronic publication http://www.cis.hut.fi/projects/ica/bayes Keywords: Bayesian statistics, factor analysis, neural networks, nonlinear, unsupervised learning Hoyer, P. O. & Hyvärinen. A. Independent Component Analysis Applied to Feature Extraction from Colour and Stereo Images. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 2000. Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 191-210. Keywords: independent component analysis, feature extraction, natural image, statistics, visual cortex Hoyer, P. O. & Hyvärinen, A. Feature Extraction from Colour and Stereo Images Using ICA. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2000), Como, Italy, July 24-27, 2000. pp. 369-374. Keywords: feature extraction, independent component analysis, natural image, statistics, visual cortex Hoyer, P. O. & Hyvärinen, A. ICA Features of Colour and Stereo Images. International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2000), Helsinki, Finland, June 9-12, 2000. pp. 567-572. Keywords: independent component analysis, feature extraction, natural image, statistics, visual cortex Hoyer, P. O. & Hyvärinen, A. Modelling Chromatic and Binocular Properties of V1 Topography Using Topographic ICA. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'00), Taejon, Korea, November 14-18, 2000. pp. 1339-1344. Keywords: independent component analysis, feature extraction, natural image, statistics, visual cortex Hyvärinen, A. Complexity Pursuit: Combining Nongaussianity and Autocorrelations for Signal Separation. International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2000), Helsinki, Finland, June 19-22, 2000. pp. 175-180. Keywords: blind source separation, higher-order statistics, independent component analysis Hyvärinen, A. Complexity Pursuit: Using Both Nongaussianity and Autocorrelations for Signal Separation. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'00), Taejon, Korea, Nov. 14-18, 2000. pp. 1198-1203. Keywords: blind source separation, higher-order statistics, independent component analysis Hyvärinen, A. & Hoyer, P. O. Emergence of Phase and Shift Invariant Features by Decomposition of Natural Images into Independent Feature Subspaces. Neural Computation, 2000. Vol. 12, No. 7, pp. 1705-1720. Keywords: feature extraction, independent component analysis, natural image, statistics, visual cortex Hyvärinen, A. & Hoyer, P. O. Emergence of Topography and Complex Cell Properties from Natural Images Using Extensions of ICA. NIPS'99, Denver, Colorado, USA, Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, 1999. 2000, MIT Press, pp. 827-833. Keywords: feature extraction, independent component analysis, natural image, statistics, visual cortex Hyvärinen, A. & Hoyer, P. O. Topographic ICA as a Model of V1 Receptive Fields and Topography. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'00), Taejon, Korea, Nov. 14-18, 2000. pp. 1323-1328. Keywords: feature extraction, independent component analysis, natural image, statistics, visual cortex Hyvärinen, A., Hoyer, P. O. & Inki, M. The Independence Assumption: Analyzing the Independence of the Components by Topography. In: Girolami, M. (ed.), Advances in Independent Component Analysis. 2000, Springer-Verlag, pp. 45-62. Keywords: feature extraction, independent component analysis, natural image, statistics, visual cortex Hyvärinen, A., Hoyer, P. O. & Inki, M. Topographic Independent Component Analysis: Visualizing the Independence Structure. International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2000), Helsinki, Finland, June 19-22, 2000. pp. 591-596. Keywords: feature extraction, independent component analysis, natural image, statistics, visual cortex Hyvärinen, A., Hoyer, P. & Inki, M. Topographic ICA as a Model of Natural Image Statistics. IEEE International Workshop on Biologically Motivated Computer Vision (BMCV'00), Seoul, Korea, May 15-17, 2000. pp. 535-544. Keywords: independent component analysis, feature extraction, natural image, statistics, visual cortex Hyvärinen, A., Hoyer, P. & Inki, M. Topographic ICA as a Model of V1 Receptive Fields. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2000), Como, Italy, July 24-27, 2000. pp. 83-88. Keywords: feature extraction, independent component analysis, natural image, statistics, visual cortex Hyvärinen, A. & Oja, E. Independent Component Analysis: Algorithms and Applications. Neural Networks, 2000. Vol. 13, No. 4-5, pp. 411-430. Keywords: blind source separation, higher-order statistics, independent component analysis Hyvärinen, A. & Raju, K. Sparse Priors on the Mixing Matrix in Independent Component Analysis. International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2000), Helsinki, Finland, June 19-22, 2000. pp. 477-452. Keywords: feature extraction, independent component analysis, natural image, statistics, visual cortex Iivarinen, J. Surface Defect Detection with Histogram-Based Texture Features. Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XIX: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, Proc. SPIE 4197, 2000. pp. 140-145. Keywords: unsupervised segmentation, texture segmentation, defect detection, co-occurrence matrix, local binary pattern, self-organizing map Iivarinen, J. Unsupervised Segmentation of Surface Defects with Simple Texture Measures. In: Pietikäinen, M. (ed.), Texture Analysis in Machine Vision, Series in Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence - Vol. 40. 2000, World Scientific, pp. 231-238. Keywords: unsupervised segmentation, texture segmentation, defect detection, local binary pattern, self-organizing map Iivarinen, J., Heikkinen, K., Rauhamaa, J., Vuorimaa, P. & Visa, A. A Defect Detection Scheme for Web Surface Inspection. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 2000. Vol. 14, No. 6, pp. 735-755. Keywords: defect detection, surface inspection, web inspection, unsupervised segmentation, co-occurrence matrix, self-organizing map, VHDL, FPGA Karhunen, J., Malaroiu, S. & Ilmoniemi, M. Local Linear Independent Component Analysis Based on Clustering. International Journal of Neural Systems, 2000. Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 439-451. Keywords: independent component analysis, clustering, local models, unsupervised learning, neural networks Kaski, S. Convergence of a Stochastic Semisupervised Clustering Algorithm. Espoo, Finland: 2000. (Helsinki University of Technology, Publications in Computer and Information Science Report A62). Keywords: clustering, convergence, density estimation, learning metrics, mutual information, semisupervised learning Kaski, S. Kohti uutta luovan ajattelun opettamista. In: Hein, I. & Lauhia, R. (eds.), OPE2, Dokumentoitua opetuksen kehittämistä Teknillisessä korkeakoulussa 1999-2000. Helsinki, Finland 2000, Teknillinen korkeakoulu, Opetuksen ja opiskelun tuen julkaisuja 3/2000, pp. 9-14 . Keywords: teaching, learning Kaski, S., Nikkilä, J. & Kohonen, T. Methods for Exploratory Cluster Analysis. SSGRR 2000, International Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for Electronic Business, Science, and Education on the Internet, L'Aquila, Italy, July 31-August 6, 2000. Electronic publication (CD-ROM) Keywords: clustering, exploratory data analysis, multivariate analysis, self-organizing map, SOM Kaski, S. & Sinkkonen, J. Metrics That Learn Relevance. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2000), Como, Italy, July 24-27, 2000. pp. 547-552. Keywords: Fisher information matrix, information metric, mutual information, semisupervised learning, self-organizing map, SOM Kaski, S., Venna, J. & Kohonen, T. Coloring that Reveals Cluster Structures in Multivariate Data. Australian Journal of Intelligent Information Processing Systems, 2000. Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 82-88. Keywords: coloring, exploratory data analysis, information visualization, self-organizing map, SOM Kohonen, T. A Look into the Self-Organizing Maps. 2nd International ICSC Symposium on Neural Computation (NC'2000), Berlin, Germany, May 23-26, 2000. Electronic publication (CD-ROM) Keywords: self-organizing map, data mining, multivariable analysis, neural networks, unsupervised learning Kohonen, T. An Unsupervised Learning Method that Produces Organized Representation from Real Information. ANNIMAB-1 Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, May 13-16, 2000. London 2000, Springer, pp. 45-53. Keywords: self-organizing map, data mining, multivariable analysis, neural networks, unsupervised learning Kohonen, T. Data Mining by the Self-Organizing Map Method. In: Bouchon-Meunier, B., Yager, R.R. & Zadeh, L.A. (eds.), Uncertainty in Intelligent and Information Systems. 2000, World Scientific, pp. 3-22. Keywords: classification, data mining, projection, self-organizing map Kohonen, T. New Lines in the Study of Self-Organizing Maps . 6th International Conference on Soft Computing, IIZUKA2000, Iizuka, Japan, October 1-4, 2000. Electronic publication (CD-ROM) Keywords: self-organizing map, data mining, multivariable analysis, neural networks, unsupervised learning Kohonen, T. Self-Organizing Maps of Massive Document Collections. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'2000), Como, Italy, July 24-27, 2000. pp. 3-9. Keywords: self-organizing map, WEBSOM, knowledge discovery in data bases, data mining, document retrieval Kohonen, T., Kaski, S., Lagus, K., Salojärvi, J., Honkela, J., Paatero, V. & Saarela, A. Self Organization of a Massive Document Collection. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2000. Vol. 11, pp. 574-585. Keywords: data mining, information retrieval, knowledge discovery, self-organizing map (SOM), textual documents Koskela, M., Laaksonen, J., Laakso, S. & Oja, E. Content-Based Image Indexing and Retrieval: The PicSOM System. 9th Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference (STeP 2000), 'AI of Tomorrow': Symposium on Theory, Espoo, Finland. August 28-31, 2000. pp. 219-226. Keywords: content-based image retrieval, image indexing, relevance feedback, self-organizing map Koskela, M., Laaksonen, J., Laakso, S. & Oja, E. Evaluating the Performance of Content-Based Image Retrieval Systems. Fourth International Conference on Visual Information Systems (VISual 2000), Lyon, France, November 2-4, 2000. pp. 430-441. Keywords: content-based image retrieval, performance evaluation methods, relevance feedback, self-organizing map Koskela, M., Laaksonen, J., Laakso, S. & Oja, E. The PicSOM Retrieval System: Description and Evaluations. The Challenge of Image Retrieval 2000 (CIR2000), Brighton, UK, May 4-5, 2000. Electronic publication http://www.ewic.org.uk/ewic/ Keywords: content-based image retrieval, performance evaluation, relevance feedback, self-organizing map Kurimo, M. Indexing Spoken Audio by LSA and SOMs. 10th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2000), Tampere, Finland, September 4-8, 2000. pp. 2177-2180. Keywords: broadcast news indexing, latent semantic indexing, self-organizing map, spoken document retrieval Laaksonen, J. T., Koskela, J. M., Laakso, S. P. & Oja, E. PicSOM - Content-Based Image Retrieval with Self-Organizing Maps. Pattern Recognition Letters, 2000. Vol. 21, No. 13-14, pp. 1199-1207. Keywords: content-based image retrieval, performance evaluation methods, relevance feedback, self-organizing map Laaksonen, J., Oja, E., Koskela, M. & Brandt, S. Analyzing Low-Level Visual Features Using Content-Based Image Retrieval. 7th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'00), Taejon, Korea, November 14-18, 2000. pp. 1333-1338. Keywords: content-based image retrieval, relevance feedback, self-organizing map, visual features Lagus, K. Text Retrieval Using Self-Organized Document Maps. Espoo, Finland: 2000. 8 p. (Helsinki University of Technology, Publications in Computer and Information Science Report A61). Keywords: information retrieval, SOM, text mining, document maps, LSI Laine, S., Pulkkinen, K. & Jämsä-Jounela, S.-L. On-Line Determination of the Concentrator Feed Type at Outokumpu Hitura Mine. Minerals Engineering, 2000. Vol. 13, No. 8-9, pp. 881-895. Keywords: concentrator, on-line analysis, process control, self-organizing map Lappalainen, H. & Honkela, A. Bayesian Nonlinear Independent Component Analysis by Multi-Layer Perceptrons. In: Girolami, M. (ed.), Advances in Independent Component Analysis. 2000, Springer, pp. 93-121. Keywords: Bayesian statistics, factor analysis, independent component analysis, neural networks, unsupervised learning Lappalainen, H., Honkela, A., Giannakopoulos, X. & Karhunen, J. Nonlinear Source Separation Using Ensemble Learning and MLP Networks. Symposium 2000 on Adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communications, and Control (AS-SPCC), Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada, October 1-4, 2000. pp. 187-192. Keywords: Bayesian statistics, factor analysis, independent component analysis, neural networks, unsupervised learning Lappalainen, H. & Miskin, J. W. Ensemble Learning. In: Girolami, M. (ed.), Advances in Independent Component Analysis. 2000, Springer, pp. 76-92. Keywords: Bayesian statistics, ensemble learning Lindblom, N., Heiskala, H., Hätönen, T., Mustanoja, S., Alfthan, H., Alila-Johansson, A. & Laakso, M.-L. No Evidence for Extraocular Light Induced Phase Shifting of Human Melatonin, Cortisol and Thyrotropin Rhythms. Neuroreport, 2000. Vol. 11, pp. 713-717. Keywords: chronobiology, circadian rhythms, hormones, lighting Lindblom, N., Hätönen, T., Laakso, M.-L., Alila-Johansson, A., Laipio, M.-L. & Turpeinen, U. Bright Light Exposure of a Large Skin Area Does Not Affect Melatonin or Bilirubin Levels in Humans. Biological Psychiatry, 2000. Vol. 48, pp. 1098-1104. Keywords: chronobiology, phototransduction, melatonin, bilirubin Malaroiu, S., Kiviluoto, K. & Oja, E. ICA Preprocessing for Time Series Prediction. 2nd International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2000), Helsinki, Finland, June 19-22, 2000. pp. 453-457. Keywords: time series, prediction, independent component analysis, preprocessing Mustanoja, S.M., Hätönen, T., Alila-Johansson, A. & Laakso, M.-L. Evidence for Central Alpha_2-Adrenergic Modulation of Rat Pineal Melatonin Synthesis. Brain Research, 2000. Vol. 887, pp. 174-177. Keywords: chronobiology, central/peripheral adrenoceptors, melatonin, adrenergic drugs Oja, E., Kiviluoto, K. & Malaroiu, S. Independent Component Analysis for Financial Time Series. IEEE 2000 Symp. on Adapt. Systems for Signal Proc., Comm. and Control AS-SPCC, Lake Louise, Canada, October 1-4, 2000. pp. 111-116. Keywords: time series, independent component analysis Ojala, T., Valkealahti, K., Oja, E. & Pietikäinen, M. Texture Discrimination with Multidimensional Distributions of Signed Gray Level Differences. Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV'2000), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan. 8-11, 2000. pp. 1082-1088. Keywords: texture analysis, pattern recognition, image analysis Ollikainen, V., Bäckström, C. & Kaski, S. Automatic Content-based Sequential Ordering of Newspaper Articles for Electronic Books. International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks (EANN 2000), Kingston, UK, July 17-19, 2000. Kingston Upon Thames, England 2000, Kingston University, pp. 183-190. Keywords: electronic book, information organization, information retrieval, self-organizing map, SOM Pajunen, P. & Girolami, M. Implementing Decisions in Binary Decision Trees Using Independent Component Analysis. Second International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2000), Helsinki, Finland, June 19-22, 2000. pp. 483-487. Keywords: binary tree, independent component analysis Pajunen, P. & Karhunen, J. (eds.) Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2000), Helsinki, Finland, June 19-22, 2000. 2000. Keywords: independent component analysis, blind signal separation, signal processing, neural networks Rantanen, J., Laine, S., Antikainen, O., Mannermaa, J-P., Simula, O. & Yliruusi, J. Visualization of Pharmaceutical Unit Operations Using Self-Organizing Maps (SOM). J. Pharm. Biomed. Anal., 2000. Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 343-352. Keywords: process control, self-organizing map, visualization Siivola, V. Language Modeling Based on Neural Clustering of Words. Martigny, Switzerland: 2000. (IDIAP-Com Report 02). Keywords: language modeling, speech recognition, self-organizing map Sinkkonen, J. & Kaski, S. Clustering by Similarity in an Auxiliary Space. Second International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 2000), Hong Kong, December 13-15, 2000 . Berlin 2000, Springer, pp. 3-8. Keywords: clustering, density estimation, learning metrics, mutual information, semisupervised learning Sinkkonen, J. & Kaski, S. Semisupervised Clustering Based on Conditional Distributions in an Auxiliary Space. Espoo: 2000. 15 p. (Helsinki University of Technology, Publications in Computer and Information Science Report A60). Keywords: clustering, density estimation, Kullback-Leibler divergence, mutual information, semisupervised learning Sirola, M. Methodologies Used in Computerized Decision Support Systems of Safety Critical Processes - Comparison to Finnish Industry. IASTED International Conference for Modelling, Identification and Control, Innsbruck, Austria, February 14-17, 2000. pp. 318-321. Keywords: computerized decision support systems, safety critical processes Sirola, M. & Vesanto, J. Utilization of Neural Methods in Knowledge-Based Decision Support Systems - State Monitoring as a Case Example. IASTED International Conference for Modelling, Identification and Control, Innsbruck, Austria, February 14-17, 2000. pp. 313-317. Keywords: neural computing, knowledge-based decision support systems, state monitoring, self-organizing map Skubacz, M. & Hollmén, J. Quantization of Continuous Input Variables for Binary Classification. Second International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL'2000), Hong Kong, December 13-15, 2000. Berlin 2000, Springer-Verlag, pp. 42-47. Keywords: classification, direct marketing, quantization Somervuo, P. Competing Hidden Markov Models on the Self-Organizing Map. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN 2000), Como, Italy, July 24-27, 2000. vol. 3, pp. 169-174. Keywords: unsupervised learning, hidden Markov model, self-organizing map, speech recognition Somervuo, P. Speech Recognition Using Temporally Connected Kernels in Mixture Density Hidden Markov Models. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2000), Istanbul, Turkey, June 5-9, 2000. pp. 3434-3437. Keywords: speech recognition, hidden Markov model, temporal sequence, self-organizing map Somervuo, P. & Kohonen, T. Clustering and Visualization of Large Protein Sequence Databases by Means of an Extension of the Self-Organizing Map. 3rd International Conference on Discovery Science, Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 4-6, 2000, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1967. pp. 76-85. Keywords: self-organizing map, clustering, protein sequence, database Valpola, H. Nonlinear Independent Component Analysis Using Ensemble Learning: Theory. Second International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2000), Helsinki, Finland, June 19-22, 2000. pp. 251-256. Keywords: Bayesian statistics, factor analysis, independent component analysis, neural networks, unsupervised learning Valpola, H. Unsupervised Learning of Nonlinear Dynamic State-Space Models. Espoo, Finland: 2000. (Helsinki University of Technology, Publications in Computer and Information Science Report A59). Keywords: Bayesian statistics, factor analysis, neural networks, nonlinear dynamics, unsupervised learning Valpola, H., Giannakopoulos, X., Honkela, A. & Karhunen, J. Nonlinear Independent Component Analysis Using Ensemble Learning: Experiments and Discussion. Second International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2000), Helsinki, Finland, June 19-22, 2000. pp. 351-356. Keywords: Bayesian statistics, factor analysis, independent component analysis, neural networks, unsupervised learning Valpola, H. & Pajunen, P. Fast Algorithms for Bayesian Independent Component Analysis. Second International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA 2000), Helsinki, Finland, June 19-22, 2000. pp. 233-237. Keywords: Bayesian statistics, independent component analysis, neural networks, unsupervised learning Venna, J. & Kaski, S. Coloring that Reveals Cluster Structures in Multidimensional Data. STeP'00, Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference, 'AI of Tomorrow': Symposium on Theory, Espoo, Finland, August 28-31, 2000. Helsinki, Finland 2000, Finnish Artificial Intelligence Society, pp. 203-210. Keywords: coloring, exploratory data analysis, information visualization, self-organizing map, SOM Vesanto, J. Neural Network Tool for Data Mining: SOM Toolbox. 5th International Symposium on Tool Environments and Development Methods for Intelligent Systems (TOOLMET2000), Oulu, Finland, April 13-14, 2000. Oulu, Finland 2000, Oulun yliopistopaino, pp. 184-196. Keywords: batch map, computational complexity, data mining, self-organizing map Vesanto, J. & Alhoniemi, E. Clustering of the Self-Organizing Map. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 2000. Vol. 11 , No. 3, pp. 586-600. Keywords: clustering, data mining, exploratory data analysis, self-organizing map Vesanto, J., Himberg, J. & Alhoniemi, E. SOM Toolbox for Matlab 5. Espoo, Finland: 2000. (Helsinki University of Technology, Publications in Computer and Information Science Report A57). Keywords: clustering, Matlab, self-organizing map, visualization Vigário, R. Dipole Modeling in FastICA Decomposition of Evoked Responses. Second International Workshop on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, Helsinki, Finland, June 19-22, 2000. pp. 363-368. Keywords: ICA, evoked responses, MEG, prior information, dipole modeling Vigário, R. & Oja, E. Independence: A New Criterion for the Analysis of the Electromagnetic Fields in the Global Brain?. Neural Networks, 2000. Vol. 13, pp. 891-907. Keywords: independent component analysis, blind source separation, unsupervised learning, magnetoencephalography, auditory evoked field Vigário, R., Särelä, J., Jousmäki, V., Hämäläinen, M. & Oja, E. Independent Component Approach to the Analysis of EEG and MEG Recordings. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 2000. Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 589-593. Keywords: independent component analysis, brain imaging, electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography Vigário, R., Särelä, J. & Oja, E. Searching for Independence in Electromagnetic Brain Waves. In: Girolami, M. (ed.), Advances in Independent Component Analysis. London 2000, Springer, pp. 183-199. Keywords: independent component analysis, brain imaging, electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography Vuori, V., Aksela, M., Laaksonen, J., Oja, E. & Kangas, J. Adaptive Character Recognizer for a Hand-Held Device: Implementation and Evaluation Setup. 7th International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Sep. 11-13, 2000. pp. 13-22 . Keywords: character recognition, natural handwriting, dynamical time warping, performance evaluation, on-line adaptation Vuori, V., Kangas, J., Laaksonen, J. & Oja, E. Experiments with Adaptation Strategies for a Prototype-Based Recognition System of Isolated Handwritten Characters. International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition IJDAR, 2000. (in press). Keywords: character recognition, natural handwriting, on-line adaptation Vuori, V., Laaksonen, J., Oja, E. & Kangas, J. Controlling On-Line Adaptation of a Prototype-Based Classifier for Handwritten Characters. 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (15 ICPR), Barcelona, Spain, September 3-7, 2000. pp. 331-334. Keywords: character recognition, natural handwriting, on-line adaptation, errorneous learning samples Vuori, V. & Oja, E. Analysis of Different Writing Styles with the Self-Organizin Map. 7th International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP'00), Taejon, Korea, November 14-18, 2000. pp. 1243-1247. Keywords: natural handwriting, writing styles, clustering, self-organizing map
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