NOTE: Machine Learning journal club and
Bioinformatics journal club were merged at October 7, 2007. The new journal club site is located
- 7.10.2007 (Leo)
Goeman, Jelle J. and Buhlmann, Peter: Analyzing gene expression data in terms of gene sets: methodological issues.
In Bioinformatics 2007 23(8):980-987 .
- 24.09.2007 (Sami)
Motoki Shiga, Ichigaku Takigawa and Hiroshi Mamitsuka.
Annotating gene function by combining expression data with a modular gene network.
In ISMB/ECCB 2007 (Bioinformatics 2007 23(13):i468-i478).
- 10.09.2007 (José)
S. Madeira and A. Oliveira:
An efficient Biclustering Algorithm for Finding Genes with Similar Patterns in Time-Series Expression Data.
Technical Report.
- 27.08.2007 (Ilkka)
Gerber, Georg K.
Dowell, Robin D.
Jaakkola, Tommi S.
Gifford, David K:
Hierarchical Dirichlet Process-Based Models For Discovery of Cross-species
Mammalian Gene Expression.
Technical report.
- 06.08.2007 (Merja and Leo)
Best of ISMB/ECCB 2007:
- 25.06.2007 (Abhishek; A346)
Ron M.A. Heeren
Proteome imaging: A closer look at life's organization.
In Proteomics 2005,5, 4316-4326.
- 11.6.2007 postponed
- 28.5.2007 (Andrey; A346)
Lu, Rosenfeld and Bar-Joseph:
Identifying cycling genes by combining sequence homology and expression
In Bioinformatics 2006 22(14):e314-e322.
- 14.5.2007
Guest lecture in Viikki Biocenter:
John Quackenbush,
Networks and stochastics in gene expression data analysis
- 30.4.2007 (Arto)
M.J. Beal and P. Krishnamurthy:
Gene expression time course clustering with countably infinite hidden Markov models.
In UAI 2006.
- 16.4.2007 (Jarkko)
E.M. Conlon, J.J. Song, and A. Liu:
Bayesian meta-analysis models for microarray data:a comparative study.
In BMC Bioinformatics 8:80
- 2.4.2007 (Antti)
T. Aittokallio and B. Schwikowski:
Graph-based methods for analysing networks in cell biology.
In Briefings in Bioinformatics 7(3):243-255, 2006.
- 19.3.2007 (Ilkka)
A.-L. Boulesteix, K. Strimmer
Partial Least Squares: A versatile tool for the analysis of
high-dimensional genomic data.
In Briefings in Bioinformatics 8(1):32-44. .
Z. Li and C. Chan
Integrating Gene expression and Metabolic profiles.
In J Biol Chem, 2004 .
T.D. Bie, N. Cristianini,R. Rosipal
Eigenproblems in Pattern recognition.
In Handbook of Computational Geometry for Pattern Recognition. , 2004 .
- 5.3.2007 (Jaakko)
A. V. Werhli, M. Grzegorczyk, and D. Husmeier:
Comparative evaluation of reverse engineering gene regulatory networks with relevance networks, graphical gaussian models and bayesian networks.
Bioinformatics 22:2523-2531, 2006.
- 19.2.2007 (JanneN)
Efron & Tibshirani
On testing the significance of sets of genes
Technical report , 2006.
- 5.2.2007 (Merja)
Interesting papers from the ECCB 2006 conference.
- 22.1.2007 (Leo)
Olga G. Troyanskaya
Putting microarrays in a context: Integrated analysis of diverse biological data.
Briefings in Bioinformatics 6(1)34-43, 2005.
- 8.1.2007 (Sami)
Yeang, Ideker, Jaakkola:
Physical network models.
In Journal of Computational Biology, 11:243-262, 2004.
- 13.12.2006 (Abhishek)
Jean-Philippe Vert
Kernel methods in genomics and computational biology.
In Technical Report HAL:ccsd-00012124, October 2005.
- 29.11.2006 (Merja)
K. MacIsaac, DB. Gordon, L. Nekludova, DT. Odom, J. Schreiber, DK. Gifford, RA. Young and E. Fraenkel:
A hypothesis-based approach for identifying the binding specificity of regulatory proteins from chromatin immunoprecipitation data.
In Bioinformatics, 22(4):423-429, 2006.
- 15.11.2006 (Arto)
Momiao Xiong, Jun Li and Xiangzhong Fang:
Identification of Genetic Networks.
In Genetics, vol. 166, 1037-1052, February 2004.
- 18.10.2006 (Ilkka)
an overview of Mass Spectrometry & Chromatography methods. based on a Wikipedia chapter.
- 4.10.2006 (Antti)
Nir Friedman:
Inferring Cellular Networks Using Probabilistic Graphical Models.
In Science 303 (5659) pp. 799-805, 2004.
- 20.9.2006 (Jaakko)
Do et al.:
CONTRAfold: RNA secondary structure prediction without physics-based models.
In Bioinformatics 22 (14), pp. e90-e98, 2006.
- 6.9.2006 (Janne)
Segal et al.:
A genomic code for nucleosome positioning.
In Nature , vol.442, pp.772--778, 2006.
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last updated Monday, 08-Oct-2007 13:28:26 EEST