Old news:
01.01.2010 Elisabeth Georgii joins the group as a postdoc
12.12.09 We're co-organising a workshop at NIPS this year on Learning from Multiple Sources with Applications to Robotics.
Ilkka Huopaniemi presents Multi-way, Multi-view Learning at this workshop.
1.12.09 Jussi Kujala joins the group as a postdoc.
9.11-20.11.09 Zak Hussain (University College London) and Alex Leung (University of Leoben) visit the group for two weeks.
2.11-4.11.09 Gayle Leen presents Automatic choice of control measurements at ACML, Nanjing, China.
1.11.09 New euSYSBIO programme - a good route to PhD studies in our group
15.10.09 Elisabeth Georgii from Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics visits the group.
7.9-9.9.09 Sami Kaski gives an invited talk on 'Learning and retrieval from multiple sources' at the Machine learning in integrative genomics (MLIG'09) special session at Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics (PRIB '09), Sheffield, UK.
7.9-11.9.09 Ilkka Huopaniemi presents Two-way analysis of high dimensional collinear data at ECML '09, Bled, Slovenia.
2.9-4.9.09 Leo Lahti presents Dependency detection with similarity constraints at MLSP '09, Grenoble, France.
4.9.09 Our department was ranked #1 in the new Aalto University Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2009
31.8-2.9.09 Eerika Savia presents Two-Way Grouping by One-Way Topic Models at IDA '09, Lyon, France.
8.7.09 Vacant Postdoc and PhD student positions in the group.
3.07.09 Best poster award for Probabilistic retrieval and visualization of biologically relevant microarray experiments at the 5th ISCB Student Council Symposium.
4.07.09 Sami Kaski gives an invited talk at EMMDS 09, Technical University of Denmark, on Probabilistic retrieval and visualization of relevant experiments.
30.06.09 José Caldas is giving a talk on Probabilistic retrieval and visualization of biologically relevant experiments at ISMB 2009, Stockholm.
Also at ISMB, we have posters on
Two-way Analysis of High-Dimensional Metabolomic Datasets (Ilkka Huopaniemi),
Global Modeling of Cancer Gene Expression Signatures (Leo Lahti),
Exploring Transcription Factor Target Gene Relationships by Condition-dependent Module Networks (Hasan Ogul), and
Searching for functional gene modules with interaction component models (Juuso Parkkinen).
26.06.09 We're helping to organise the 2010 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2010), 29.08.10 - 1.09.10, in Kittilä, Finland. Preliminary call for papers
22.06-26.06.09 We're helping to organise the summer school on Statistical Modeling and Machine Learning in Computational Systems Biology in Tampere, with Tampere University of Technology.
17.06.09 Sami Kaski gives a keynote talk on "Relevance from Gaze Patterns" at SCIA 2009, Oslo, Norway.
9.06.09 Jaakko Peltonen presents his paper "Visualization by linear projections as information retrieval" at WSOM 2009, Florida.
19.05-22.05.09 Cédric Archambeau from University College London, UK, visits the group.
13.5. Ilkka Huopaniemi and Maija Nevala selected for the board of the Finnish sociecy for bioinformatics
11.05-22.05.09 Nils Gehlenborg from the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), Cambridgeshire, UK, visits the group again.
23.03-1.04.09 Nils Gehlenborg from the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), Cambridgeshire, UK, visits the group.
15.02-20.02.09 David Hardoon from University College London visits the group.
9.02-13.02.09 Arto Klami visits Mark Girolami and Simon Rogers at the University of Glasgow.
26.01.2009 Indrė Žliobaitė from Vilnius University, Lithuania, visits the group for 3 months.
13.12.2008 Gayle Leen and Samuel Kaski are co-organising the Learning from Multiple Sources Workshop at NIPS '08, Whistler, with John Shawe-Taylor and David Hardoon from UCL.
1.12.2008 José Caldas visits Alvis Brazma's group at the European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), Cambridge, UK, for a month.
21.11.2008 Jarkko Salojärvi successfully defends his doctoral dissertation
Inferring Relevance
from Eye Movements with Wrong Models. The opponent is Associate Professor
Jan Larsen.
30.10-31.10.2008 Arto Klami presents his paper Can relevance of images be inferred from eye movements? at MIR '08, Vancouver, Canada.
16.10-19.10.2008 José Caldas presents his paper Bayesian Biclustering With The Plaid Model at MLSP '08, Cancún, Mexico.
1.10-21.10.2008 Harri Lähdesmäki from Tampere University of Technology visits the group.
24.9.2008 Samuel Kaski is the opponent of the PhD dissertation of M.Sc Reija Autio in Tampere University of Technology
22.9.2008 Muhammad Ali Faisal joins us as a PhD student
22.9-26.9.2008 Leo Lahti presents a poster "Modeling gene expression in biological networks" at ECCB '08, Cagliari, Sardinia-Italy
5.9.2008 Arto Klami successfully defends his doctoral dissertation "Modeling of mutual dependencies". The opponent is Prof. Tobias Scheffer.
5.9.2008 Alba Martinez-Ruiz from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, will be visiting us for 3 months.
4.9.2008 Prof. Tobias Scheffer from Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Germany, visits the group.
4.9.2008 Dr. Lars Arvestad from Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH), Sweden, visits the group.
25.08.2008 Melih Kandemir joins us as a PhD student.
1.8.2008 Dr. Hasan Ogul has started as a postdoc in our group.
23.6.2008 Dr. Nicole Krämer from the Berlin Technische Universität will be
visiting us for this week.
5.6.2008 Assistant Professor Sounak Chakraborty from the University of Missouri-Columbia will visit us for 2 months.
22.4-25.4.2008 Simon Rogers from the University of Glasgow visits our group.
21.4.2008 Nils Gehlenborg from the Cambridge University will be visiting us for
2 months.
7.4.2008 Gayle Leen has started as a postdoc in our group.
6.3.2008 Yusuf Yaslan's research visit has ended.
1.3.2008 Jarkko Saloj�rvi started as a teaching lecturer (pro term).
1.3.2008 Janne Nikkilä has moved to the Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences/Microbiology, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University of Helsinki, where he will serve as an University Researcher.
14.2.2008 Dr. Hao Xiong from Texas A&M University visits us from 17.02 until 22.02.
14.2.2008 László Kozma has joined us as an MSc student.
4.2.2008 Sourangshu Bhattacharya visits us for 4 months.
23.1.2008 Helena Aidos joined us as a PhD student.
16.1.2008 Janne Sinkkonen spends 2008 on a sabbatical with us.
15.1.2008 PinView-kickoff meeting (new EU FP7 project).
11.1.2008 6th International
Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG-2008) will be
organized in Helsinki, Finland on July 4 and 5.
12.-15.12.2007 Prof. Hiroshi
Mamitsuka visits us and gives a guest lecture in lecture room T4 on 13.12. at 11:15.
14.12.2007 The defense of a doctoral thesis Methods for
Exploring Genomic Data Sets: Application to Human Endogenous
Retroviruses by M. Oja.
3.-8.12.2007 J. Parkkinen presents a paper in the NIPS workshop on Machine Learning in Computational
Biology and a poster in the NIPS workshop on Statistical Models of Networks.
30.11.2007 Postdoc and PhD positions in machine learning and bioinformatics.
14.11.2007 S. Kaski gives an invited talk in BrainIT-2007.
9.11.2007 Multibio project started
9.11.2007 Transcendo got continuation for 2008
2.11.2007 A. Ajanki got a position in Hecse
26.9.2007 J. Peltonen got a postdoctoral position of the Academy of Finland for years
2008-2010. Congratulations!
26.9.2007 S. Kaski and J. Caldas will visit EBI Oct 15 - Dec 15
20-21.9.2007 S. Kaski gives a keynote talk at Symposium
on Bioinformatics and Chemical Genomics, Kyoto University.
18.9.2007 J. Peltonen presents paper "Learning from Relevant Tasks
Only" at ECML 2007.
10.9.2007 Yusuf Yaslan visits us for 6 months.
27-29.8.2007 J. Peltonen presents the paper "Fast Semi-supervised
Discriminative Component Analysis" at MLSP 2007.
13.8.2007 José Caldas joined us as a PhD student.
13-17.8.2007 We organize a PASCAL Intensive course on modeling biological networks.
3.8.2007 The paper Inferring
vertex properties from topology in large networks presented at the MLG'07 workshop received a distinguished contribution award.
19-25.7. 2007 M. Oja and L. Lahti presented posters at ISMB.
20-24.6.2007 A. Klami presents the paper "Local Dependent Components"
11-14.6.2007 J. Nikkilä presents a poster in conference of the Metabolomics Society.
10-12.6.2007 A. Ajanki presents the paper "Discovering
condition-dependent Bayesian networks for gene regulation" at Gensips 2007.
8.6.2007 J. Venna defends his doctoral thesis Dimensionality
Reduction for Visual Exploration of Similarity Structures on June 8.
4-7.6.2007 S. Kaski gives an invited talk on "Exploratory fusion of
high-throughput data" and I. Huopaniemi and A. Ermolov present posters in Bioinformatics 2007.
20-25.5.2007 S. Kaski gives a talk on "Machine learning for data fusion
and information visualization" in BSB 2007, First Bertinoro
Systems Biology Workshop.
4.5.2007 Special
issue of BMC Bioinformatics.
2.4.2007 Nobuhisa
Ueda visited us for one week in April.
Snowbird and AISTATS 2007:
S. Kaski presents a poster in Snowbird Learning Workshop.
D. Hardoon presents a poster about the joint work with our group at AISTATS.
J. Venna presents a poster at AISTATS.
Our projects got praise in the evaluation of programmes MICMAN and PROACT.
Postdoc position in machine learning and
1.2.2007 A beta version of the dredviz information visualization software package has been released.
13.12.2006 S.Kaski is the opponent of PhD
dissertation of Mika Rautiainen in University of Oulu, Dec 13.
NIPS 2006:
S. Kaski gives an invited talk in NIPS workshop on User Adaptive Systems.
J. Peltonen gives a talk in the NIPS workshop "Learning to Compare Examples".
J. Peltonen presents a poster in the NIPS workshop "Learning when test and training inputs have different distributions".
S. Kaski presents a poster in the NIPS workshop "Novel Applications of Dimensionality Reduction".
7.11.-15.12.2006 Janne Nikkilä visited Dr. Brazma's group at European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK.
6.10.2006 A five-day visit by David Hardoon.
16.9.2006 S.Kaski is the opponent of PhD dissertation of Jussi Salmi in University of Turku, Sept 16.
7.9.2006 A.Klami presents the paper "Generative Models That Discover Dependencies Between Data Sets" at MLSP 2006.
28.8.2006 The research group joined HIIT. We still belong to the CIS lab and AIRC of TKK as well.
25.8.2006 S. Kaski participated in the FinnSight 2015 foresight panel on Bio-expertise and bio-society.
21.8.2006 Jacob Goldberger visited us for the latter half of August.
17-18.6.2006 Workshop on Probabilistic Modeling and Machine Learning in
Structural and Systems Biology, Tuusula, Finland, abstract DL 23.4.2006, workshop website.
8.5.2006 The Pattern
Recognition Society of Finland has awarded Jaakko Peltonen's thesis "Data Exploration with
Learning Metrics" as the best Finnish doctoral thesis in the field of
pattern recognition 2004-2005.
13.3.2006 John Shawe-Taylor, Craig Saunders, Steve Gunn, and David Hardoon visited us for a week.
9.1.2006 The news stream started
1.1.2006: A new proactive project: Pump priming project of the PASCAL EU NoE: Methods for fusing eye movements and text content for information retrieval, with W.Buntine (HIIT) and J. Shawe.Taylor (U of Southampton).
1.1.2006: A new bioinformatics project, TRANSCENDO, focusing on T1 diabetes with mouse and human metabolic data starts.
10.12.2005: A NIPS workshop Machine learning for implicit feedback and user modeling organized by S. Kaski and K. Puolamäki, and the related Inferring relevance from eye movements challenge.
1.12.2005: The defense of a doctoral thesis: Exploratory Cluster Analysis of Genomic High-Throughput Data Sets and Their Dependencies by J. Nikkilä.
1.11.2005: Prof. Kaski's inauguration presentation (summary in Finnish) (Prof. Kaski was nominated as a professor of Computer Science in HUT 1.7.2005).
1.7.2005 Prof. Kaski nominated as a professor of Computer Science in HUT
17.11.2004 The defense of a doctoral thesis Data Exploration with Learning Metrics by J. Peltonen
21.11.2003 The defense of a doctoral thesis Learning Metrics and Discriminative Clustering by J. Sinkkonen