A note:
Several functions have been added to the package after completing the tutorial (April 2000).
The on-line help files are more up-to-date. You can download them from above or browse them
The most up-to-date documentation is found in the help texts of the MATLAB functions themselves. Try, e.g.,
>>help somtoolbox
Kindly observe that the members of the SOM Toolbox team have left
CIS or are involved with other duties. Therefore, we cannot
currently guarantee any support in using SOM Toolbox.
SOM and SOM Toolbox
Getting started
SOM Toolbox help texts on-line
SOM Toolbox main reference and tutorial
Technical report on SOM Toolbox 2.0 (April 2000)
PDF and
zipped: both PS and PDF
System requirements
- Matlab: The SOM Toolbox is built using the MATLAB script
language. Since structures and N-dimensional matrices are used, it
requires Matlab 5. For SOM Toolbox 1.0, at least Matlab 5.1 is
recommended. For SOM Toolbox 2.0, at least Matlab 5.2 is required
(although you can get it working in 5.1 if you remove the try -
catch commands). The basic SOM Toolbox does not require any other
toolboxes to work, just the basic Matlab. However, some of the
contributed functions may require for example Statistics Toolbox.
There have been some problems when running SOM Toolbox in MATLAB 6.5 (and newer). These problems are corrected time to time.
- Operating system: The Toolbox has been built in unix
environment and uses longer than 8+3 filenames. Therefore we cannot
guarantee that it works in environments which do not support long
filenames, like MS-DOS or Windows 3.1. Also, there are some
differences in how the GUIs are implemented in different environments,
so they can loose some of their appeal in environments other than
Unix. Otherwise, the SOM Toolbox works in any environment where Matlab
- Hardware: The training procedures use quite a lot of
memory (although not nearly as much as they did in version 1.0), so we
recommend at least 64 MB of RAM. The functions take slightly over 1 MB
of disk space. The speed of the processor is not an issue. If you
run a Matlab in your machine, you can run the SOM Toolbox, too.
Page maintained by,
last updated Friday, 18-Mar-2005 16:25:39 EET