System requirements are listed here.
The Toolbox can be downloaded for free from
Once you have downloaded the relevant files, move them to an approriate directory and decompress them using, e.g., unzip, pkunzip or winzip.
After this, install the Toolbox (
, the date may be different) like you
would install any other toolbox. If you don't know how to do that,
just make sure that when you want to utilize the SOM Toolbox you are
either in the Toolbox directory, or that directory is in your
matlabpath (see commands path, addpath and
The documentation (
, the date may be different) includes HTML-files
and some papers in PostScript, PDF or MS-Word formats. The HTML-files
should go to the HelpDesk, but I have no idea currently how to add
things to HelpDesk. Just put them somewhere where you can easily find
There are only a few very simple commands which are needed to make and visualize a SOM of your data.
D = som_read_data('');
or you can contruct a data set:
D = rand(1000,2);
Note that the columns of the data matrix should be variables, and the rows are samples.
sM = som_make(D);
The SOM Toolbox contains a whole lot of functions other than som_read_data, som_make and som_show. For a quick list, see Contents.m in the SOM Toolbox directory. Also, the demos are there to show you around and give you a grasp of what can be done and how.
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