Laboratory of Computer and Information Science / Neural Networks Research Centre CIS Lab Helsinki University of Technology

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T-61.6040 Special Course in Computer and Information Science IV P: Information Networks

Lecturers PhD (Eng.) Gemma C. Garriga
Assistants M.Sc. Nikolaj Tatti
Credits (ECTS) 6
Semester Autumn 2007
Seminar sessions On Wednesdays at 14-16 in Lecture Hall T4, computer science building,
Konemiehentie 2, Otaniemi, Espoo. The first lecture is on September 12th, 2007.
Language English


The goal of the course is to go through a collection of recent research papers on models and algorithms for complex networks. We will study networks such as the Web, the internet, social networks or biological networks, with the objective of learning the common structure and properties. See the reading list for the list of covered topics.

First introductory lecture will be given on 12.09.2007. There will be no lecture on 19.09.07. The rest of the lectures will consist on presentations of the selected research papers by the participants of the seminar.


The course prerequisites include background in algorithms, graphs, probability and linear algebra.

Requirements for passing the course

To pass the course one needs to participate actively in the lectures (only one absent is allowed), give a presentation (based on a paper chosen from the reading list), do two homework assignments (see section homework), and do a final project (see section project).



Homework will consist on submitting two assignments. Each assignment implies writing a reaction paper. This means:


Project description can be found here.


Date Name Topic Slides
12.9 Gemma Garriga Introduction [Download]
26.9 Laszlo Kozma The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine and The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web [Download]
3.10 Janne Toivola Fast Discovery of Connection Subgraphs and Center-Piece Subgraphs: Problem Definition and Fast Solutions [Download]
10.10 Markus Ojala Impact Of Search Engines On Page Popularity [Download]
17.10 Luis de Alba What is this Page Known for? Computing Web Page Reputations and Searching the Web [Download]
24.10 Niko Vuokko The small-world phenomenon: An algorithmic perspective [Download]
31.10 Cancelled Presentation moved to 7.11
7.11 Tiina Lindh-Knuutila Models of the small world [Download]
7.11 Mari-Sanna Paukkeri Information Diffusion through Blogspace [Download]
14.11 Antti Sorjamaa Propagation of Trust and Distrust [Download]
21.11 Samuli Ulmanen The Dynamics of Viral Marketing
28.11 Ville Lämsä Graph clustering and On clusterings: good, bad and spectral [Download]
5.12 Zhi-rong Yang On clusterings: good, bad and spectral and Finding community structure in networks using the eigenvectors of matrices [Download]
12.12 Visa Holopainen The Origin of Power Laws in Internet Topologies Revisited [Download]

Reading list

The following is a selection of papers for the seminar on Information Networks. Papers are separated by topic groups. Each participant should select for her/his presentation one paper (or a couple of them under the same topic group). Ideally, we will cover different topics with the lectures.

Please, inform about your preferred topic and paper for your presentation by sending an email to Papers will be handed out in first come first serve fashion. Because this list is far from being complete, you can also propose a paper yourself if not listed below (send an email to discuss about it).

Note that some papers are unavailable outside hut domain.

1. Network models.

2. Power laws and scale free networks.

3. Small-Worlds: Search and properties.

4. The Web Graph.

5. Web search, Link analysis, Spectral analysis.

6. Propagation effects in networks: gossips, epidemics and trust.

7. Clustering and community structure.

8. Games and networks.

9. Biological networks.

10. Still you did not find anything interesting ... ?

Then, you can propose a paper not listed above within the area of information networks. Similar seminars with more online papers are for example: The Structure of Information Networks, at Cornell University and the Seminar on Social Networks, at University of Toronto.

Send an email to with your proposal and we will discuss about it.

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