Now we shall define the problem of independent components analysis, or
ICA. We shall only consider the linear case here, though non-linear
forms of ICA also exist. In the literature, at least three different
basic definitions for linear ICA can be
found [36,80], though the differences between the
definitions are usually not emphasized. This is probably due to the
fact that ICA is such a new research topic: most research has
concentrated on the simplest one of these definitions.
In the definitions, the observed m-dimensional random vector is
denoted by
The first and most general definition is as follows:
This definition is the most general in the sense that no assumptions on the data are made, which is in contrast to the definitions below. Of course, this definition is also quite vague as one must also define a measure of independence for the si. One cannot use the definition of independence in Eq. (7), because it is not possible, in general, to find a linear transformation that gives strictly independent components. The problem of defining a measure of independence will be treated in the next Section. A different approach is taken by the following more estimation-theoretically oriented definition:
This definition reduces the ICA problem to ordinary estimation of a latent variable model. However, this estimation problem is not very simple, and therefore the great majority of ICA research has concentrated on the following simplified definition:
In this paper, we shall concentrate on this noise-free ICA model definition. This choice can be partially justified by the fact that most of the research on ICA has also concentrated on this simple definition. Even the estimation of the noise-free model has proved to be a task difficult enough. The noise-free model may be thus considered a tractable approximation of the more realistic noisy model. The justification for this approximation is that methods using the simpler model seem to work for certain kinds of real data, as will be seen below. The estimation of the noisy ICA model is treated in Section 6.
It can be shown [36] that if the data does follow the
generative model in Eq. (11), Definitions 1 and 3 become
asymptotically equivalent, if certain measures of
independence are used in Definition 1, and the natural
is used with n=m.