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One-unit contrast functions

We use the expression 'one-unit contrast function' to designate any function whose optimization enables estimation of a single independent component. Thus, instead of estimating the whole ICA model, we try to find here simply one vector, say ${\bf w}$, so that the linear combination ${\bf w}^T{\bf x}$ equals one of the independent components si. This procedure can be iterated to find several independent components. The use of one-unit contrast functions can be motivated by the following:

After estimating one independent component, one can use simple decorrelation to find a different independent component, since the independent components are by definition uncorrelated. Thus, maximizing the one-unit contrast function under the constraint of decorrelation (with respect to the independent components already found), a new independent component can be found, and this procedure can be iterated to find all the independent components. Symmetric (parallel) decorrelation can also be used, see [71,60,65,84].

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Aapo Hyvarinen