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One-unit contrast functions
We use the expression 'one-unit contrast function'
to designate any function whose optimization enables estimation of a
single independent component. Thus, instead of estimating the
whole ICA model, we try to find here simply one vector, say
that the linear combination
equals one of the independent
components si. This procedure can be iterated to find several
independent components.
The use of one-unit contrast functions can be motivated by the
- The one-unit approach shows a direct connection to projection
pursuit. Indeed, all the one-unit contrast functions discussed below
can be considered as measures of non-Gaussianity, and therefore this
approach gives a unifying framework for
these two techniques. The same contrast functions and algorithms can
be interpreted in two different ways.
- In many applications, one does not need to estimate all the
independent components. Finding only some of them is enough.
In the ideal case where the one-unit contrast functions are optimized
globally, the independent components are obtained in the
order of (descending) non-Gaussianity. In the light of the basic
principles of projection pursuit, this means that the most interesting
independent components are obtained first. This reduces the
computational complexity of the method considerably, if the input data
has a high dimension.
- Prior knowledge of the number of independent components is not needed,
since the independent components can be estimated one-by-one.
- This approach also shows clearly the connection to neural networks.
One can construct a neural network whose units learn so that every neuron
optimizes its own contrast function. Thus the approach tends to lead to
computationally simple solutions.
After estimating one independent component, one can use simple
decorrelation to find a different independent component, since the
independent components are by definition uncorrelated. Thus, maximizing the
one-unit contrast function under the constraint of decorrelation (with
respect to the independent components already found), a
new independent component can be found, and this procedure can
be iterated to find all the independent components. Symmetric
(parallel) decorrelation can also be used, see
Next: Negentropy
Up: Objective (Contrast) Functions for
Previous: Weighted covariance matrix
Aapo Hyvarinen